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Breakroom TV

Company TVs for your breakroom, conference room, sales office & more.

In any industrial workplace, safety, morale and quality will always be a high priority.

When we were contacted by a Fortune 500 plastic manufacturer faced with high turnover rates and safety concerns, the goal was to reduce the number of incidents and improve employee engagement.

The key problems this company faced were the need to shift culture and increase comradery, lack of near-miss reporting adoption, and excess safety-related costs. The company, who has +300 locations and over 10k employees globally, had a challenge. In just one facility, they experienced 173 incidents the previous year…resulting in $3.5 million in worker’s compensation, OSHA fines, and settlements.

Illustration of Headache
Illustration of Worker being injured

The high count of safety incidents at this facility wasn’t due to a lack of training, rather the unengaged workforce was going through the daily motions with no excitement. Our first focus was on improving employee engagement and morale. Using a series of animated videos played on a tv in the breakroom, we focused on improving comradery amongst employees, reinforcing existing policies in a fun and entertaining way, educating employees about their benefits and building the feeling of job security, refreshing memories of certain tasks and stressing the importance of each employees’ safety.

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BRTV became a catalyst in shifting the employee's interactions with each other, how they felt about their job, and ultimately, their perspective on the company. The shift in attitude opened the door for us to be able to refresh and reinforce messaging regarding safety and compliance. We used the power of humor to share information in a way that resonated with employees and allowed them to self-correct, hold each other accountable and establish new productive habits.  Using company policies shared as animated videos instead of training manuals allowed the company to retrain its employees in a way that felt like entertainment.

Example of Breakroom TV mounted on wall

The employees adopted the near-miss reporting only once they believed the company cared about their safety, and not just the incident cost. Moreso, the employees needed to trust that management would address the root cause of the near miss being reported. Management learned senior employees had long been disgruntled about a leaky machine that had never been addressed over a decade. Current plant management was completely unaware the issue even existed until a temp employee completed a near miss after slipping.

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Example of 3 different Breakroom TV setups

The company saw massive results, which included an increase in efficiency and compliance adherence. Within a year, they saw a 33% decrease in safety incidents, going from 173 incidents the prior year to 138 incidents in the first year. That number dropped even lower the second year to only 84. This resulted in cutting worker's compensation costs by over 50% in the first year alone and saved the company an estimated $1.5 million dollars. The company saw an increase of near-miss reports from an average of 350 per month in the first year to over 3000 per month the second year.

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How It Works

Engaging content can be defined in a variety of ways. We found that combining important information with humorous anecdotes can be one of the most impactful ways to ensure your message will stick. In addition, using photos of the employees themselves and breaking down company policies into layman's terms can make the messaging far more digestible. 

Beyond that, everyone likes to see themselves on a tv screen and they like to laugh, especially at lunch. Using identifiable images of their colleagues and humorous education, these “hidden gem” clips included in your signage reel will draw viewers in to watch the entire reel. They want to see those clips again, causing them to actively and conscientiously view all the other content that might be less entertaining but even more important and relevant.

Hover over the content in each section to learn more.

Read more about each section below.

Preview of BreakroomTV layout
Primary content window: Displays custom-generated content, created by us with your policies. Animated content with appropriate font colors and sizing attracts attention and creates retention.
Current time: People check the time approximately every 10 minutes. Having something as simple as a clock draws eyes to the screen multiple times during a break.
Integrated and customizable widgets for stock tickers or incident rates.
Secondary content window: Can be integrated with Google slides for more on the fly information or used to display local weather by forecast or radar.
Personalized text widgets, news, sports or entertainment RSS tickers, or calendar integrations for real-time information.

1: Primary content window: Displays custom-generated content, created by us with your policies. Animated content with appropriate font colors and sizing attracts attention and creates retention.

2: Current time: People check the time approximately every 10 minutes.  Having something as simple as a clock draws eyes to the screen multiple times during a break.

3: Integrated and customizable widgets for stock tickers or incident rates.

4: Secondary content window: Can be integrated with Google slides for more on the fly information or used to display local weather by forecast or radar.

5: Personalized text widgets, news, sports or entertainment RSS tickers, or calendar integrations for real-time information.